
Locking in Security | Understanding Term Life Insurance

What exactly is term life insurance?

Term life insurance is a type of life insurance covering a specific period or “term,” generally from 1 to 30 years. It provides a tax-free death benefit to beneficiaries if the policyholder dies during this term, without any investment component or cash value accumulation.

How does term life insurance differ from whole life insurance?
The main differences are in duration and cash value. Term life covers a specific period without building cash value, while whole life insurance offers lifetime coverage and includes a cash value component.
Who should consider buying term life insurance?
Term life insurance is suitable for those needing temporary coverage, such as parents with young children, homeowners with mortgages, or anyone with dependents requiring affordable protection against financial hardship in case of untimely death.
How are term life insurance premiums determined?
Premiums are influenced by the policyholder’s age, health, lifestyle, term length, and coverage amount. Generally, younger, healthier individuals pay lower premiums due to lower risk.
Can I renew my term life insurance policy once it expires?
Many term life policies offer renewal options at the end of the term. However, premiums typically increase upon renewal, reflecting the policyholder’s age and potentially changed health status.
What happens if I outlive my term life insurance policy?
If you outlive the policy, coverage ends without a return on premiums paid. Options include policy renewal, conversion to a permanent policy, or letting the coverage lapse.
Is the death benefit from a term life insurance policy taxable?
Generally, the death benefit from a term life insurance policy is tax-free, allowing beneficiaries to receive the full amount without income tax implications.
Can I convert my term life insurance to a whole life policy?

Many term life policies include the option to convert to whole life or other types of permanent insurance. This feature is advantageous if you need long-term coverage due to changing life circumstances.

What factors should I consider when choosing the term length?
Considerations for term length should include your current age, financial responsibilities, and the duration of your anticipated financial obligations. For example, parents might choose a term that lasts until their children are financially independent.
How do I choose the right amount of coverage?
The appropriate coverage amount depends on your financial obligations and goals. Factors to consider include income replacement, existing debts, children’s education costs, and future financial needs. It’s often recommended to choose a death benefit that is 5 to 10 times your annual income, but consulting with a financial advisor can provide personalized guidance.